Customer Story

Discover how SolarFieldNation enhanced its hiring process using VidHirePro’s virtual interview software.

Empowering SolarFieldNation with VidHirePro’s Video Interviews

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Top candidates hired
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Saved in recruitment costs
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Reduction in hiring time


High Volume Recruitment

Needed to efficiently manage a large influx of candidates, streamlining the recruitment process effectively.

Time-Consuming Manual Processes

Manual screening processes were labor-intensive and slow, causing significant delays in hiring.

Inconsistent Candidate Quality

Maintaining consistent candidate evaluation standards was difficult, affecting hiring outcomes.

Scheduling Complications

Coordinating interview schedules across multiple roles was complex and time-consuming, leading to conflicts.

VidHirePro's video interview solutions revolutionized our hiring process at SolarFieldNation. We saved $65,000 and cut our hiring time by 70%. Hiring over 350 top candidates has become seamless and efficient.
Shaun Mathews, Free Budgetary Officer


Automated Video Screening

VidHirePro’s video platform automated the initial candidate screening process, saving time and ensuring consistency.

Efficient Scheduling Tools

Streamlined scheduling tools eliminated conflicts and saved time, improving overall efficiency.

Consistent Evaluation Metrics

Standardized video interview evaluations ensured consistent candidate assessments, enhancing hiring accuracy.

Enhanced Candidate Experience

Customizable video interview features delivered a professional and smooth experience for candidates, improving satisfaction.


VidHirePro’s video interviewing capabilities significantly transformed SolarFieldNation’s recruitment process. By automating screenings, optimizing scheduling, and standardizing evaluations, VidHirePro saved time and costs, enabling SolarFieldNation to meet their hiring goals efficiently. This partnership has revolutionized their hiring operations, ensuring top-quality candidate selection.

Reimagine Your Hiring Process with VidHirePro

Your tech stack deserves an upgrade. Harness VidHirePro’s one-way and two-way video interview solution to transform and simplify your hiring journey.

Experience effortless hiring with VidHirePro. Our video interviews simplify your process, enhance collaboration and ensure smarter decisions.




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